

Kyiv, Ukraine

State-owned Entity

1998 - 2023

Percentage of Global Emissions

Emissions (million tonnes CO2e)


98th out of 142

Oil production (million barrels)


74th out of 87

Gas production (billion cubic feet)


41st out of 85

Emissions (MtCO2e)

Select Commodities:

Oil & NGL
Natural Gas

Select Timespan:

1998 - 2023


Emissions from all fuels

1998 - 2023

Emissions (million tonnes CO2e)



Select Commodity:

Oil & NGL
Natural Gas

Select Timespan:

1998 - 2023


Oil & NGL Production

1998 - 2023

Climate Policy Engagement

Naftogaz appears to take a mostly negative position on the transition of the energy mix. The company appears to support green hydrogen production in the EU to decarbonize some key sectors, and has stated support for decarbonization policies in the EU Green Deal in 2021. However, Naftogaz is in favor of an increased role for fossil gas in the energy mix on the basis that it is low-carbon without placing clear conditions relating to CCS until 2040, although alongside hydrogen production, biomass and renewable energy. The company CEO Yuri Vitrenko supported investments and infrastructure that will lock in unabated fossil gas in August 2021.